Hiawatha HomeCare was founded in 1988, as Hiawatha Medical, Inc.

The birth of Ted and Karen Seifert’s son, Michael, ultimately led to the birth of Hiawatha HomeCare. Michael Seifert was born on September 17, 1985, with a rare and serious illness along with profound disabilities that had him in and out of the hospital the first year of his life. The next year Michael was hospitalized at the University of Minnesota, where doctors said his condition was such that he would spend his entire life in ICU and would never be discharged to home. But Karen disagreed. As she says, “Babies need to be with their families.” And so Michael came home on life support.

Michael was Hiawatha’s first client and this experience became the foundation of our continued commitment and dedication to keep families together through home health care.

We have the unique perspective of being both a home care client and a home care agency. We understand how important it is to have homecare staff that the client and family are comfortable with in their homes. Our staff is committed to serving both the physical and emotional needs of our clients and their families.

It is this commitment, dedication and compassion that makes Hiawatha HomeCare the company that provides “Homecare from the heart”. It’s the personal connections we make with our clients that truly makes a difference.